Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Swindle: A Vicious Cycle

Okay, so in being on social media and also having real life experiences of my own, I have come to realize a few valuable tidbits about people in general and about men and women separately. First of all, we're all full of shit. There. It's been said, and now that it's out of the way we can all move on. Men, y'all be lying and ladies we be falling for it. Now before I go any further and confuse someone out there like I said in the title this is a cycle and like in so many cycles it may not be clear where it begins and ends and begins again...BUT (I think) I GOT IT!!! Pull up a chair, kids, and listen up close.

We'll begin with the men. Fellas, y'all. be. lying. To women, to  yourselves, to your friend zoned home girl, your dog. Just anyone who has ears to hear you will lie to them, and often times not even on purpose and then be mad when a bitch catches feelings and starts liking your ass -- lemme explain -- young men will say/do just about ANYTHING to get in some pannies (yes, pannies) when the ONLY thing that NEEDS to be said is, "Hey girl, I want to get in them pannies, please." You should always ask politely. (Now, check the title, I told y'all this is a cycle before you go hollering that shit will never work) Anything said or done beyond that in order to add a body to your count is a bold faced, bald headed ass, LIE! Taking her to the movies and out to eat and kicking it with her and asking about her day and sending good morning texts is only doing two things. A. Making her think that you like her and 2. making her like you and begin to develop feelings about and for you. STOP IT. If all you want is the draws just say it. There are only two answers that can follow. Yes. OR No. It's simple. She says yes: You do it. You leave. The end. If she says no, you move on. The end. It's not rocket science, folks. Think of it like this guys if she wants a relationship and you don't wouldn't you, after declining her offer, want her to move the hell on and leave you alone?


NOW LADIES!!! I know I know, half of you all are like, "I ain't bout to fuck no dude that just comes up and asks me for the sex, nah." BITCH, YOU LYIN!!! You knew you wanted to get with him the moment you saw him. You just don't want him to think you are a hoe. I ask, who gives a damn? We don't know your life all opinions of you are mere speculation. If you want him, get with him. The end. But for the sake of the cycle here were go. He takes you out (lying) selling you all kinds of woof tickets and you start to like him when all he wanted to do was fuck: THE SWINDLE there it is. DO NOT FALL for it!!! It is almost inevitable that you will spend time with this man and begin to develop some type of feelings for him. STOP! Recognize as soon as humanly possible if, in fact, you are being hit with a swindle. There are signs, "Well we talk a little, text, but he seem kinda shy like he don't talk much." CAUSE HE DON'T WANNA TALK TO YOU!!! He's not interested in knowing much more about you than what it is that that mouth do. I'm just saying. Recognize it and act accordingly. "On our first date he asked me to come back to his place after." WELL...I bet he put yo ass out after you're done too! There is nothing wrong with giving it to him. But do it on YOUR TERMS. Don't it to him because he took you out on a couple dates and now he is EXPECTING to get it. Nah, dawg it don't work that way. We stopped playing YOUR game the moment you started lying about what you wanted.

are you still with me???

Back to the fellas. You want bitches to fuck you. Cool. Stop calling them hoes for doing it. Simple. Being considered a hoe or called a slut is these hoes biggest insecurity. If you want them to give up the pannies STOP JUDGING. Would you, if every time you did something you like, oh let's say go shooting ball at the gym, got called cake boy? NO sir! You would stop playing ball all together. Saying that women who have sex with men because they like having sex is like saying men who shoot ball at the gym all day Saturday are pussies. It's just not damn true. So stop!

Now, let's recap. The cycle: Men want the pannies so they lie, women catch feelings because they've been given and illusion of reciprocation, y'all do the nasty and she all in love. And it just keeps going around and around and around. We gotta nip this in the bud guys. Just be upfront with people. Sure her feelings might be a little hurt cause all you wanna do is fuck, but hey she may still give it to you. Only NOW, since you were honest, she doesn't have any false expectations about what she is to you and who you will be to her. Of course you will have the occasional delusional bitch who gives it up and tries to change you. That's not your problem. STAY honest and in the court of love/hate/you wham bam thank you ma'am'd me you will be the who has the favored ruling!

You are dismissed.

Comment, like, discuss...whatever!