Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Trust me, I do this for a living!

Can your baby do this???
I didn't think so! Pictured in this photo is my daughter, (at the time 7 months old). She was participating in a swim program called ISR (Infant Swim Resource) a program that teaches children ages 6mo.- 6 years old how to survive if they ever find themselves in water that they can not stand in.
Swimming is a skill I believe EVERYONE should have. At the very least one should be able to stay afloat long enough to be rescued or move toward a solid object to hold onto...
So many people are afraid of the water. Especially in the black community. I can not tell you how many people (of many races) I've encountered that say, "Well I just never go near the water, my mamma never let us go as kids cause she couldn't swim." I just don't understand! You bathe don't you?
Then you have those who don't want to get their hair wet. Lord forbid you have to wash that nappy shit for a change! Braid it up and charge it to the game...
And the best one I've heard to date... "I drowned when I was a kid." LIKE HELL, you drowned! How the fuck did you drown and you standing here to tell me about it? Didn't happen! If you drown you will be hauled away on a stretcher with the white sheet over you. You may have had a near drowning experience (which also in most cases I doubt) and that's fine, but shouldn't you want to ensure that it never happens again? Or at the very least allow your child to learn from your unfortunate situation in a controlled and safe environment and IMPROVE by giving them a life skill that could not only save thier life, but also open up countless educational and JOB opportunities for them? Or is that too much like right?
People, all I'm saying is EDUCATE YOURSELVES! We fear that which we do not know...so go find that shit out! Its not hard.
If anybody out there hears me...and is or knows someone in need of water safety instruction in AL or GA. Contact me via twitter @haking or email. haking_3@yahoo.com . I will be more than happy to assist in finding you the help you need!
You can also contact your local Red Cross chapter or health clubs in your area.
End rant!

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