Sunday, April 24, 2011

The End: When We All Die.

Preface: If you don't find the humor in this in the fact that I am DEAD SERIOUS about every word below, you are probably already dead and this does not apply to you.
The day has come! Judgment day, D-Day, when Jesus comes to get us, well, those of us He's taking with Him, The last day of the world- THE BIG ONE- Floods and fire, locusts, frogs, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, nuclear melt-downs, aliens the whole nine yards!

"What is we gone do?", some may ask...
"How can we stop this disastrous day from occurring? Go to church and get right with the Lord? Call my mom? Go to my local Walmart  and buy up all the water, batteries, and bread I can find?"

Others may need to know, "How can we prepare to Survive this horrible circumstance? What Hero will save us?"  "GO GREEN!", they say. "Plug the hole in the ozone layer; STOP global warming! That'll give us more time!"

There MUST be a way to have an ending like those in the movies like 2012, The Day After Tomorrow, and Independence Day! Some person or GROUP of people must have the answer, RIGHT?


There is NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING to be done- What CAN you do? Furthermore, WHY would you WANT to do anything about it in the first place? If the WHOLE WORLD is ending today or whenever...and EVERYBODY is going to die anyway- WHY, in the name of sauteed elephant shit, are you trying to live through it and be the only person left on the earth? So you can mate with the only other survivor who happens to be your first cousin and repopulate the Earth? I would certainly hope NOT! GO IN PEACE!!! I mean, really, how bad could it be? You probably won't feel a thing (unless you try to fight it)

It's not like you will leave people behind who will miss you or you will miss all your loved ones when they are gone and be sad, because... NEWSFLASH: THEY'RE DEAD TOO!

STOP trying to be a hero and just let the world end already- The way it was intended to! IF YOU MUST DO SOMETHING...Try this:

Get your affairs in order with whichever Higher Power it is you identify with whom you believe will save your poor mortal soul to secure your spot wherever it is you would like to spend the rest of eternity after the inevitable occurs! 

And that's all I have to say about that! 

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