Saturday, April 16, 2011

Let's Talk About... SEX!!!

My very first Blog post. I'm excited. Any feedback, comments, or concerns are welcomed and appreciatied! I hope you enjoy!
Sex. Everyone is doing it, right? Two (or more) consenting adults getting together to "do it", these days, is not such a big deal, right?
Everybody does it so what's the fuss about, right? Getting out there and getting some should be a piece if cake... or at least one would think, but let's take a step back and look at an angle I never explored until I was faced with the issue of finding a NEW sex partner after ending a long-term monogamous committed relationship.
Now, some of you might say, "Helen, you are an attractive, young vixen. You should have no problem finding a man to be with in bed." True as that may be, most women in this situation (including myself) don't want just any man. Even if he is only to serve a physical purpose. There are a few SPEED BUMPS before a woman (or man) on the road to finding "The One". To have sex with, that is.

1. Finding a new partner is NOT like picking a new flavor of ice cream.
Oh, if only it could be so simple...
Whenever I go to Coldstone, TCBY, or some other similar venue I petty much know what I want, but when I get inside I almost ALWAYS sample at least two other flavors just to be sure or if there is something new I've yet to try. Apply this practice to finding a lover and there is no certainty of what you might get except a trip around the block or two and a name for yourself before you finally find "The One". Its not very becoming of anyone to go around trying sex partners like the flavor of the week!

2. If you know me, you know that Drake is FAR from my favorite rapper, but he said it best. "How you supposed to find the one when anyone will come with you?" Even apart from being in a relationship...and to add to that... How am I supposed to get with someone when a lot of these SOMEONES out here will get with ANYONE? You know what they say, "When you sleep with someone you sleep with everyone they have ever slept with." That's a hard pill to swallow, but brings me to my final point and question...

3. Who are you doing? We are all adults here so let's be real who is NOT having sex (at some point) these days? You finally found "The One". You've been out of the game for months, looking...and you found them. But what about this person whom you have decided to be intimate with? Since EVERYBODY is doing it- Who are they doing it with? Is it more than one person? And now that they are "The One" will you also be that to them? Is that too much to ask outside of the confines of a committed relationship, sexual monogamy? Or is it too much to ask, if you decide to enter into a sexually polygamous relationship, who else is involved and when (not in complete detail, but in general time frame). One has the right to know, right? I would sure hope so...
Or does that even work? Being sexually exclusive without having a romantic relationship. Ponder on that and let me know what you guys think!


  1. Having more than one partner will never last long mainly because the foundation of the relationship is weak and based on physical aspects that could change daily. This could also occur when dating one person just for sex... It will last only as long as the need is there.

  2. Sleeping with multiple women is almost like traveling to new unexplored territory. When I was younger I lived for the thrill of a new adventure. The excitement in discovering more about myself as I challenge and push to perform at my best in this unfamiliar land.

    Sometimes the adventures are similar to the beauty of the Hawaiian Mountains, You never want to leave. However, now that I'm older, there is no place that can compare to Home.

    Some people don't have a place they can call home, A foundational cornerstone to build a upon. When your single it can be difficult to find the energy to explore what looks like another uneventful hilltop that bolsters with struggling vegetation needed for essential survival...
